Tag Archives: learnings

2019: Looking back at the year that went by

Tis the Season of Reflection.

As the year draws to an end it is the perfect time to reflect on the learnings and share them. Here are my key learnings turned guiding principles from the year that went by

Guiding Principles of 2019

  • Live in the present
  • Become Better Everyday
  • Make Concentrated Bets
  • Increase Optionality

Live in the Present

A friend once told me “Unhappiness comes from Conflict“, simply put, when you desire X but are stuck with Y. While we all want multiple things to happen/get better simultaneously, the only way to stay peaceful is to accept your present situation and adjust your life around it.

Our lives are made up of multiple phases across dimensions of family & friends, career and personal life that are ever changing. Each phase would have a few key events that would lead to highs/lows across different dimensions.

All phases of life give you an opportunity to focus on some aspect/dimension of your life and it’s best if we use that time to do just that, focus on what’s right in front of us (and not fret too much about the rest).

A good question to often ask yourself, “What should I be optimizing for?”

I cut down on reading, movies, travel, socializing etc and 2019 for me was about mostly focusing on the new baby and the new job.

Become Better Everyday

Successfully Implemented by Dave Brailsford & popularized by James Clear, the idea that tiny changes sustained over a period of time compound massively.

The whole principle came from the idea that if you broke down everything you could think of that goes into riding a bike, and then improved it by 1%, you will get a significant increase when you put them all together – Dave Brailsford

The power of compounding married with the fact that there’s as much (if not more) life ahead of us as is behind builds a really strong case to become a much better version of yourself. Bonus, being better improves lives of others around you.

I tried to follow this rule and ensure that I make almost every day count by exercising (Cult, Ahoy!) / writing / learning something new.

Make Concentrated Bets

While conventional wisdom says that diversification is the key to investing success, some of the best investors, like Warren Buffett & George Soros have spoken about the virtues of making concentrated bets.

Wide diversification is only required when investors do not understand what they are doing – Charlie Munger

Be it investing, career or relationships, most gains are to be made by focusing on few things and giving them all the effort (think Power Law). I’ve seen quite a few people trying to spread out too thin and not achieving anything substantial. I feel it makes sense to focus your energies on limited ideas & people and double down on them

Caveat: Avoid Ruin

PS: It’s quite likely that investing more time/effort on your career/startup will yield bigger returns than stocks/mutual funds etc.

Increase Optionality

Optionality in investments refers to the right to do something, but not necessarily the obligation to do so. Just like in investing you can build optionality into your life and exercise them for better outcomes. Collecting high-quality options is the equivalent of unlocking doors that open up to new possibilities.

While on the surface this might look conflicting to the above mentioned point of being concentrated, in reality they work best together. Optionality in asymmetric bets (limited downside, high potential upside) across domains can be built with just small % of resources (time/money etc).

Naval Ravikant on building Asymmetry

Few things I did to increase optionality

  • Meet New People & reconnect with old acquaintances – Increases Serendipity that opens up opportunities
  • Take up chances to expose myself to new ideas & experiences – Gives you new perspectives that might have a big impact
  • Watch my Spends & Avoid Debt – Better personal financial management enables risk taking/bigger bets
  • Being conscious about & working on my health/fitness – Better health allows you more freedom of choices in certain areas of life.

Wishing you all a wonderful and enriching 2020 šŸ™‚

A good year !!

I know its a bit late to be rambling about the year that was but given the fact that I was in hibernation for the last week or so, I have no option. More than anything, this post is a personal memoir for the year 2008 and what it had in store for me.

2008 has been a good year over all both personally and professionally(I am glad I still write in that order). I can vaguely remember how it all changed, from being just a regular software engineer cum web junkie working for one of the very few global web startups in India (Slideshare) to getting into social media, to co-founding kwippy and much more. It’s been a crazy, happening year with lots of learnings, relearnings and unlearnings. Some of the good things(online mostly) that happened to me in the last year

Kwippy: From a simple thought of archiving gtalk status messages to microblogging to conversations, Kwippy is most definitely the best thing that happened to me during the last year. It’s been really challenging and exciting playing different roles at different times, a front end developer, a customer service rep, a community manager, executive head and more. Talking about web apps is one thing, building an app is another and it’s this transition that teaches you a lot. Not only you get to experience things(and situations) first hand, you learn to appreciate things around a lot more. Kwippy will get to see a lot more action in days to come and I am really looking forward to the planned changes and improvements.

Blogging: I started blogging regularly this year only and have written 75 posts in total, which haveĀ  receivedĀ  92 comments so far. Blogging, started as a hobby and is now a passion. Now it feels weird if I don’t blog for a few days and that urge to express my thoughts makes me sit through the night and scribble my thoughts. I’ve written quite a few event driven posts about Twitter off late, as the way I see things and I hope they are not taken in any other way. I plan to blog more regularly and stick to writing about business, marketing and social media mostly.

Reading: I started reading a lot, both online and offline this year. Its customary now to read at least a couple of blog posts daily. I became more regular with reading books(as opposed to just buying them) and magazines(primarily Tehelka).

Friends: Thanks to various social networking sites and startup related events, I’ve made some really nice friends over the last year and learnt lots of things from them. Hope things to continue being good in times to come.

While 2008 has been a good year, I hope this year brings on a lot more for everyone and leave us as better humans.