Tag Archives: notes

The Best of Web: 24/6/2012

Looking for a quick dose of weblinks to read? Look no further, for here’s a bunch of links I read today and liked. Let me know how you find them

  1. Doing the big work (at the little table) (Seth Godin’s Blog)
  2. Paying Your Dues
  3. Peter Thiel’s CS183: Startup – Class 16 – Decoding Ourselves (Another interesting post) (Blake Masters)
  4. Silicon Valley’s Hottest VC Is a Rug Dealer (Forbes.com)
  5. How Fit Are You? 3 Easy Ways to Find Out (Oprah.com)
  6. What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast (FastCompany.com)
  7. Writing and Speaking (Paulgraham.com)
  8. Blackberry Shortcuts