While creating an account on Slideshare I stumbled upon a bug(assuming it’s not intentional).
Slideshare has tweaked its signup process for some time(we’ll talk about that some time else) and the lower half of second form(yes second) of signup looks like this.
As you can see clearly I’ve NOT selected the newsletter option here but when after signing up I checked the email subscription settings here’s what it looked like.
Exactly my point, whether you choose the newsletter option or not, you will still get the newsletter as this option is checked by default. To confirm my finding I created another test account and I ran into this bug again.
Hope it’s a bug and Slideshare will kill it soon.
PS: There’s another bug with that newsletter that I’ve quoted a few times in Twitter too. I get 2 copies/emails of newsletter everytime they send it
While you are on it fix it too Slideshare. Thanks !!
Update: As rightly pointed out by Gaurav in a comment below I was getting two mails because I had two accounts and it’s NOT a bug. MY BAD !!
@slideshare’s newsletter setting bug http://bit.ly/1aRpqp
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
This is not happening for me. I get the newsletter only once. A few other people in the team confirmed the same.
One possibility is that you have 2 slideshare accounts and the email id of one auto-forwards to the other.
Thanks for the tip Gaurav. Indeed that’s the case, silly me..
BTW any updates on the settings bug ?