I’ve been a Twitter user for about 6+ years and have started accessing Twitter via their Android app a few months back. Not surprisingly my usage of Twitter has grown manyfold since I’ve moved from Tweetdeck to Android app, and frankly the reasons are obvious.
1) Great app
2) Continuous availability/access
The android app for twitter is one of the most beautifully (think usability) designed apps. It has just the right buttons at the desired places, most intuitive functionality and easy on the eye. Here’s a little example of the nifty app’s detailing
As you can see, the timeline view has app the possible things a user would want to do
General – Most Used (Excluding replies, discovery etc)
- Compose a tweet
- Search
- Follow someone
Pertaining to a tweet in Timeline
- Reply to a tweet
- Retweet a tweet
- Favourite a tweet
Now all these are great but an extra case comes for Retweets. Not only would I want to interact with the tweet but I might also want to follow the person whose tweets are being RTed
Yes, that little highlighted icon is what caught my attention. Here ‘Chris Messina’ who I follow, RTed a tweet from Samantha (whom I don’t follow). and Twitter’s app cleverly shows a tiny icon along these tweets which lets users follow the person whose tweets are being RTed. A quick click on this and you are done
That’s a nice example of putting relevant features beautifully without affecting the user experience. I’d love to talk more about the app sometime.