Tag Archives: profitability

Capital ROI of various Indian Startups

The tide has been trying to change for sometime now, from Growth at all costs to Profitability & Sustainability. Recent Tech IPOs in US reflected the same and made things pretty clear.

While Uber & Lyft’s abysmal IPO sustained the push to margins and profitability, explosion of WeWork was the final nail on the coffin.

Since the relatively nascent Indian startup ecosystem is a reflection of US & China (in some aspects), one can expect to see a stronger push for Margins/Profitability in India as well.

I tried to collate a view from all publicly available data on revenue and losses for various Indian Startups to get a view of what’s happening. Hope you’ll find it useful too.

Source: Paper VC, Entracker, Mint, ET etc

As more Indian Startups file their earnings for Financial Year 2019, more data will emerge. I’ll try to update this view.

The Best of Web: 1/1/2012

Here are some of the links that I found worth sharing

  1. Mark Suster on should startups focus on profitability or not
  2. Joel Spolksy’s Strategy Letter I: Ben and Jerry’s vs. Amazon
  3. Jason Zimba on understanding exponential growth
  4. Jason Freedman on Obliterating Startup Depression (H/T @dipankarsarkar)
  5. via TheGuardian UK Humans have the need to read